C-paired spin-valley locking in antiferromagnet:

  • A new type of SVL that can realize many interesting and useful properties that were believed impossible in old theory. Nat. Commun. 12, 2846 (2021)
  • Propose and demonstrate the C-paired SVL in AFM systems
  • Can realize giant piezomagnetism and generate noncollinear spin current
  • Various new approaches to control spin, valley and other degree of freedoms

Topological crystalline insulators:

Quantum spin Hall effect:

  • Predicted that quantum spin Hall effect could be realized in WTe2-type 2D materials for the first time
  • The realization temperature (~100K) is much higher than all the previous systems (~30 mK)

Self-learning Monte Carlo methods:

  • A generic global update method that can dramatically accelerate calculations in both classical and quantum models

All-optical deep neural networks: